We can’t help you if we can’t find you
Help Us Locate Neighbors
Each house in Peacham has been assigned a unique house number as a part of their 911 street address.
Please mark your house number on your mailbox or sign post at the end of your driveway.

When you call 911 this information is automatically displayed on the 911 dispatcher’s computer screen. This is the information that is relayed to us at the fire department so we can locate your house. From time to time we are delayed because a 911 street address number is not visible from the road.
Please help us by posting your number in an easy to locate place. Reflective numbers at least 4 inches in height are the best for us to see on a dark or rainy night. You can purchase reflective numbers at your local hardware store or online.
While we don’t endorse one company over another, here is an example of what is available online. Click here for one company’s web site and more information. For additional information about your 911 address, please contact the Town Clerk’s office.